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Fortuna Acupuncture

Fortuna Acupuncture has a unique focus on Women’s Health, specializing in Infertility & Pregnancy.

Lauren Fortuna, M.S., L. Ac., is a Licensed Acupuncturist serving Staten Island for 20 years. Her practice specializes in Women’s Wellness, with a focus on Infertility & Pregnancy related issues.

“Women’s wellness is a personal as well as professional commitment for me. My decision to study Acupuncture sprang from a family member who had great success being treated for Endometriosis (with Acupuncture.) Seeing the positive impact Acupuncture made to her health and wellbeing really piqued my interest, and so I began my exploration of Chinese Medicine. Being able to help people was an important goal for me when deciding what type of career to embark on, and I am proud to say Acupuncture allows me to do this.”

Infertility And Acupuncture

At Fortuna Acupuncture, Lauren sees her patients in the weeks leading up to their IUI or IVF procedures. This allows time for the body to respond to the sessions. Acupuncture can help regulate the menstrual cycle, aid ovulation ( increase size and number of follicles), improve egg quality, and thicken the uterine lining for optimal implantation success.  Patients are seen before and after their embryo transfer, and can continue with sessions throughout their pregnancy, including preparing for delivery as well as post-natal care. Male factor infertility can be addressed, with improvements to sperm quality, motility and morphology. The journey towards pregnancy is not always easy, so stress management is also a focus during the Acupuncture sessions . Many patients comment on the renewed sense of calm they feel after their sessions.

 Learn more about how acupuncture can help with fertility.

 Call Fortuna Acupuncture at 718-541-5016 or visit for more information.


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