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The benefits of time-lapse incubators

Why Use Time-lapse Incubators?

After an egg retrieval, the eggs and resulting embryos (following fertilization) are cultured in incubators. Although they may not look like it, incubators function much like artificial wombs, creating a controlled environment that closely mimics the conditions found “in vivo”—inside the body. However, to assess fertilization status or monitor embryo development, these embryos are typically removed from this stable environment and examined under a microscope almost daily. This brief, but repeated, exposure to external conditions can cause stress to the embryos.

Time-lapse incubators represent a modern advancement in in vitro fertilization (IVF). Unlike traditional incubators, they allow for continuous, non-invasive monitoring of embryos without the need for daily removal. By maintaining a consistently stable environment, these incubators not only help improve embryo quality but also provide valuable insights into embryo development, enhancing selection methods and ultimately leading to better IVF outcomes.

Time-lapse incubators have built-in cameras that take pictures of embryos every few minutes. This means that embryologists can see how your embryos develop over time, from the moment of fertilization through key stages of growth. By capturing this continuous imagery, they gain a detailed understanding of each embryo’s progress.

How Do Time-lapse Incubators Differ from Regular Incubators?

  1. Monitoring Capability
    • Timelapse Incubators: They allow for real-time, automated imaging of embryos without needing to disturb them.
    • Regular Incubators: Embryos are often removed for checking, which can expose them to temperature changes and other environmental factors.
  2. Data Collection
    • Timelapse Incubators: Generate a lot of information by continuously capturing images, providing a full picture of embryo development.
    • Regular Incubators: Only offer limited snapshots of embryos at specific points in time, which can miss important details.
  3. Decision-Making Support
    • Timelapse Incubators: Use advanced software to analyze the images and help embryologists identify which embryos are most likely to succeed.
    • Regular Incubators: Decisions are based more on visual assessments made at the time of checks, which can vary from one embryologist to another.
  4. Potential Impact on Embryo Health
    • Timelapse Incubators: Keep embryos in a stable environment throughout the monitoring process, which may improve their chances of success.
    • Regular Incubators: Taking embryos out for assessment can introduce stress, potentially affecting their development.

Key Benefits of Time-lapse Incubators in IVF

  1. Better Decisions
    The detailed data from timelapse imaging helps embryologists make more informed choices about which embryos to transfer, increasing the chances of a successful pregnancy.
  2. Potential Improved Outcomes
    Research suggests that  causing less stress to the embryo “ In vitro” ( outside the body) can lead to  better quality embryos and thus higher implantation rates, giving you a better chance of becoming pregnant. .
  3. Advancing Future Research and AI
    The information gathered can also help scientists and doctors improve IVF techniques, leading to better treatments for future patients.

A key advantage of time-lapse incubators is their ability to collect continuous data on embryo development. This vast amount of data opens the door for the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in the IVF process. AI algorithms can analyze embryo growth patterns, timings of cell divisions, and other subtle developmental markers that may not be easily detected by the human eye. By using this information,  perhaps AI will have  the potential to predict which embryos are most likely to be chromosomally normal (euploid) and have the highest chance of successful implantation. This can lead to more accurate embryo selection and improve overall IVF success rates, reducing the number of failed cycles and miscarriages.

Click here to see an embryologists view of a time-lapsed embryo developing


In conclusion, time-lapse incubators represent a significant advancement in IVF technology. By enabling continuous monitoring of embryo development and more precise embryo selection, they can improve the chances of a successful pregnancy. As this technology evolves, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) offers even greater potential. AI can analyze developmental data to help predict which embryos are most likely to be chromosomally normal, enhancing selection accuracy and potentially increasing IVF success rates while reducing failed cycles and miscarriages.

If you would like to learn more about GENESIS Fertility New York or are ready to schedule an appointment, please speak with one of our representatives at 929-605-5467.

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