Breast Cancer and Your Fertility
As the summer ends and fall comes in with a bang, the month of October brings more than just chunky…
As the summer ends and fall comes in with a bang, the month of October brings more than just chunky…
Breast Cancer and Your Fertility
Infertility is a common problem, affecting approximately 8-10% of couples; with the problem often stemming from issues related to the…
Male Infertility – A Doctor Q & A
When someone is interested in having a baby, they frequently search the internet for fertility tips. The problem when consulting…
Top Fertility Books Worth Reading
Have you ever heard the saying “Men are like waffles and women are like spaghetti”*? Years ago I laughed it…
Waffles & Spaghetti: Communication Advice for Couples Trying to Conceive
As part of a New York State fertility insurance mandate, most commercial insurance plans now cover IVF. Also, all such…
NY Insurance Laws for IVF Coverage
An individual or couple’s first visit to see an infertility specialist can make some patients quite nervous. After all, deciding…
Common Lingo at the Infertility office
“Treating infertility is a marathon-like process, patients need to be prepared for the journey and not just a quick sprint.”…
Meet Dr. Alexander Kotlyar
You overslept this morning, so grabbing a coffee and breakfast sandwich at your local place was a necessity. Someone brought…
The Effect of Weight and Fertility
Looking for the best fertility doctors in New York? At GENESIS, our mission is to help patients realize the dream…
New York’s Best Fertility Doctors
Fertilization of an egg is the first and most important event in the sequence of events that have to happen…
Fertilization Failure in IVF with regular insemination
Many women will experience an essential transition during their reproductive lives. The transition will be the decision to stop contraception…
Can birth control affect your fertility?
Those who read the previous blog on POI may be wondering if there is any way to revive the function…
Can we revive the ovary after premature ovarian failure?
We deliver exceptional care by bringing together a talented and highly experienced team of individuals providing comprehensive services to couples with infertility.
If you would like to learn more about GENESIS Fertility New York or are ready to schedule an appointment, please speak with one of our representatives at 718-GENESIS (718-436-3747).