The Expert Problem
By Dr. Richard Grazi, The world of infertility is a special place, one where – from the patient perspective –…
By Dr. Richard Grazi, The world of infertility is a special place, one where – from the patient perspective –…
New low-tech approach is nearly as effective as more expensive and invasive traditional methods Many fertility clinics are now offering…
Twelve years ago Melissa Harris-Perry, the host of MSNBC’s Melissa Harris-Perry show, gave birth to her first child. She remembers,…
The infertile couple’s guide to Valentine’s Day bliss. Despite its focus on romantic love, Valentine’s Day can bring up anxiety and…
Valentine’s Day and infertility
For some women undergoing fertility treatments, being around children can be like having salt rubbed in an open wound. Others…
By Catherine Pearson – Originally post by The Huffington Post A new survey of women in the United States suggests…
Laura Geggel – Simons Foundation Autism Research Initiative Patients undergoing fertility treatments have one less thing to worry about. A…
Studies show no link between autism and fertility treatments
By Marc Sklar, posted in Fertility Authority Did you know that contrary to what your high school health teacher told…
Ask the Expert – Video Series Fertility Authority, January 2014 Dr. Richard Grazi explains how treatment is individualized for all people…
How is Fertility Treatment Individualized for People of All Backgrounds
Marilynn Marchione, Associated Press, 12/2/13 Doctors are reporting an epidemic — of twins. Nearly half of all babies born with…
Choosing Wisely® aims to spark conversations between physicians and patients – helping patients choose care that is: ◾Supported by evidence…
by Catherine Pearson, Nov. 12, 2013 – The Huffington Post Why some women who have already had one biological child…
We deliver exceptional care by bringing together a talented and highly experienced team of individuals providing comprehensive services to couples with infertility.
If you would like to learn more about GENESIS Fertility New York or are ready to schedule an appointment, please speak with one of our representatives at 718-GENESIS (718-436-3747).