Is there an age limit to freeze your eggs?
Recently, Dr. Ruchi Amin was asked by Freeze.Health if there was an age limit for egg freezing. If you are…
Recently, Dr. Ruchi Amin was asked by Freeze.Health if there was an age limit for egg freezing. If you are…
Is there an age limit to freeze your eggs?
Celebrities are just like us. They experience infertility, too. In fact, many celebrities have relied on in vitro fertilization (IVF)…
Celebrities Who Gave Birth Using IVF and Donor Eggs
It’s no surprise that the environment we live in has dramatically changed in the last hundred years. As our country…
Environment and Aging Impact On Fertility
This is National Infertility Awareness Week. But as a woman working at a fertility practice, rather than a single week…
Infertility Awareness. What you need to know.
There are multiple reasons as to why all women should be aware of their ovulation cycle. Women who know when…
How to Tell When You Are Most Fertile: Signs & Proof of Ovulation
No woman is obligated to say how she got pregnant, whether she’s a celebrity or not. However, all too often…
Celebrity births in their forties – not the fertility fountain of youth you think it is.
For a variety of reasons, women are postponing starting, or growing, their family; so it’s not uncommon to find women trying…
Trying to get pregnant at 40?
Singer Carrie Underwood has opened up the floodgates of social media with a (seemingly innocent) comment in a recent interview…
I was asked to comment on an item in the news about age & fertility showing 13 celebrities who had babies after the age of 40 (“and looked damn good doing it”).
Age & Fertility – You can’t change biology!
Having a baby should be an easy, uncomplicated, and joyous time. But for those experiencing infertility, their dream of parenthood…
Repeated IVF Cycles Increase Success Rates
– By Kris Bevilacqua, Ph.D Most women are aware their biological clock is ticking as they get into their 30’s.…
Searching for Mr. Right (or at least his swimmers)
New research shows women may want to start thinking about their fertility by age 32. But between IVF, egg freezing…
We deliver exceptional care by bringing together a talented and highly experienced team of individuals providing comprehensive services to couples with infertility.
If you would like to learn more about GENESIS Fertility New York or are ready to schedule an appointment, please speak with one of our representatives at 718-GENESIS (718-436-3747).