Secondary Infertility: For 3 Million U.S. Women It’s A Devastating, Confusing Reality

by Catherine Pearson, Nov. 12, 2013 – The Huffington Post

Why some women who have already had one biological child struggle to have another is a complex question, and often one with no clear explanation. Such was the case of Desiree Buckingham-Ramirez who was 22 years old when she got pregnant with her son. When her son turned 2, she and her husband started trying for another. Months passed, but two years later the couple still had no success. “Every twinge you feel, you think, ‘Is this a pregnancy symptom?’” she said. “I go online and put my information in those due-date calendars they have, which is so embarrassing … I love my son more than anything, but our family just feels like it’s missing someone.”

And she’s not alone in this. Estimates by the National Center for Health Statistics suggest that more than 3 million women of childbearing age in the U.S. who have one biological child have difficulty getting pregnant or carrying another to term. Click here to read the full article.

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