Responding to a New York Times Op-Ed Piece

Here is a wonderfully written response by Davidson Communications, to the authors’ of a recent op-ed article “Selling the Fantasy of Fertility” that appeared in the New York Times:

I admit feeling defensive about the recent op-ed article “Selling the Fantasy of Fertility” that appeared in the New York Times. After all, I call myself a fertility marketing specialist, and the authors seemed to be accusing me, my colleagues and the entire fertility field (or industry as critics like to call it) of unethically shilling false hope and unrealistic expectations, all in the name of keeping patients on the infertility treadmill to make a buck – or in this case, megabucks.

When critics use a broad brush, the objects of criticism start feeling they have been painted into a corner.

So it has taken me awhile to absorb what Pamela Tsigdonis and Miriam Zoll were saying and to be able to respond to it. Click to read the full article.

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