Need to talk about your fertility? You should see a specialist!

New research shows women may want to start thinking about their fertility by age 32.
But between IVF, egg freezing and embryo freezing, it’s increasingly hard for ob-gyns to advise their patients.

Many patients mistakenly feel that their ob-gyn will let them know when they need to start worrying about their fertility, however that puts their doctor in a tough position. Very often when the subject of “future children” comes up, patients are apt to start talking about other issues – bad relationships, breakups, etc. And although the doctor may be sympathetic, their job is to take care of a woman’s reproductive health, not her love life.

This week the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists released an opinion saying that women’s ability to have babies decreases gradually but significantly beginning around age 32 and then goes down more rapidly after age 37. The younger estimate may come as a shock to women who have long been conditioned that 35 is the “I’ve got to deal with this!” age and that 40 is the cut-off for either freezing your eggs or giving your on-the-fence man an ultimatum. However, the information is intended to help ob-gyns educate their patients about their baby-making deadlines.

In an article posted earlier this week, Sarah Elizabeth Richards tells why ob-gyns may be the worst people to talk to about fertility. Read the full article here >>>

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