How to Tell When You Are Most Fertile: Signs & Proof of Ovulation

There are multiple reasons as to why all women should be aware of their ovulation cycle. Women who know when they ovulate can better avoid an unwanted pregnancy, know when it is best to try to become pregnant, and feel confident about their reproductive health. Unfortunately, there’s an abundance of false information regarding fertility in women. Here are some ways to know when you are ovulating.

Symptoms of Ovulation

There are many telltale symptoms that can be used to suggest that a woman may be ovulating. These physical signs don’t always mean you are currently ovulating, but they can be good indications that you are within your fertile window.

  • One sign that may indicate you are currently fertile is increased libido and sexual desire. This behavior is normal because it’s our natural instinct to feel the need to have sex in order to reproduce. If your sex drive is higher, you are likely ovulating.
  • Changes in your BBT or basal body temperature can be due to your ovulation cycle taking place. In order to test this symptom, you’ll need to take your temperature within the first 30 minutes of being awake. Once we are awake, our temperature rises, so in order to accurately see if your BBT has raised, you can’t wait too long. If you notice your temperature is at least 3 tenths of a degree higher than your regular BBT, this could indicate you are in your ovulation cycle.
  • Another sign of ovulation is thick cervical mucus. Extra discharge could be letting you know you are at your most fertile. Sticky, thick, egg white-colored mucus is produced while women ovulate in order to better protect sperm for optimal fertilization.
  • Other signs such as pain in the lower abdomen and tender breasts can hint towards ovulation and peak fertility.

Take the Next Step – Schedule an Appointment

Ovulation Tests

A reliable way to discover when you are ovulating is by taking an ovulation test. You can pick one up from a nearby pharmacy. The best way to regularly have insight into your ovulation pattern is by testing monthly and staying in touch with medical professionals. By being proactive, you can learn how to take care of your reproductive health.

If you are trying for a baby, you’ll know when the best time to conceive is. On the other hand, if you want to avoid pregnancy, you can better prevent it by not engaging in intercourse during your ovulation cycle. Awareness of your fertility cycle early on can help curb disappointment later on in life if you have fertility problems.

Age Range & Reproductive Health

Unlike in men, age plays a major role in the fertility of women. While men can still conceive children into their late 60’s and sometimes even at older ages, most women are no longer fertile by their late 40’s and early 50’s. Menopause commonly affects women between 40-50 years old, though a small percentage of women can still become pregnant at this age range. Even for some younger women, fertility can still be a challenge.

This is why there is pressure on those who want to have children to conceive before they reach their 40’s. Discuss with your doctor if you feel concerned about the amount of time you have to become pregnant. About 15% of North American couples have failed to conceive in recent years. This is a huge percentage, and causes immense heartbreak and disappointment for those who wish to have children. Despite your age, you could face problems fertility wise, but age is the defining factor that impacts a woman’s ovulation cycle and overall reproduction abilities.

Next Steps

Keeping track of your ovulation pattern using the above-mentioned tools will benefit you in better timing your reproductive journey. However, even before proceeding with ovulation testing, it is key for you to decide how soon you wish to have children and how many you wish to have. If you have any concerns, speak with a medical professional such as an obstetrician/gynecologist to become educated about your fertility.

Business analyst and writer Jenny Williams works for Lucky Assignments Oxford.

If you would like to learn more about GENESIS Fertility New York or are ready to schedule an appointment, please speak with one of our representatives at 929-605-5467.

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