Help New Yorkers with infertility

Click here  to help pass a new law that would require health insurance companies to provide coverage, including IVF, for people with infertility and also to cover fertility preservation for cancer patients.

It only takes one minute to send an email to Governor Cuomo urging for his support. This new legislation has already been passed by the Assembly, but still needs a vote in the Senate and a signature by our Governor.  

Infertility is a disease of the reproductive system. New York families everywhere in our state are impacted by infertility, which affects both women and men equally. In fact, 1 out of 8 – over 12% – of families of childbearing age cannot have a baby because of infertility.

The good news is that with 21st century medicine, the highest percentage ever of men and women with infertility problems can be helped to have a baby, creating many happy fulfilled families! In vitro fertilization, or IVF, is now considered the standard of care for many infertility cases.

The problem for middle class and lower income families is that while these fertility treatments work extraordinarily well, they are often not covered by insurance, and the out-of-pocket costs for medical treatment make them unaffordable for many. The New York Legislature needs to be urged to help our state’s families by requiring health insurers to cover fertility medical treatments that are recommended by doctors based on the ages of the patients and the medical diagnosis. Medical treatment should not be dictated by the insurance companies, based on which diseases they prefer to cover. The additional cost to a health insurance policy would be very small and the need is very large.

It takes just a minute to send an email.
Please click here to help your fellow New Yorker with infertility.

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