Celebrating Mother’s Day when you’re not a mom (yet)

Let’s face it. There’s no escaping Mother’s Day.
It’s literally everywhere. Flowers on every corner. Sales in every store.
. . .
The first Mother’s Day after an infertility diagnosis often feels pretty bleak, especially for women who are expected to “celebrate” with their own mother or sisters. But it’s ok to find an excuse not to attend the annual family get-together if it will be emotionally painful.  You can see mom on another day and there’s always next year.

Tips to help you cope

  1. Be proactive – Think ahead about the day and plan a strategy in advance. Include an exit plan with your partner (just in case).
  2. Prepare for a potentially painful situation. Churches will often ask the mothers in attendance to stand to be recognized; or restaurants may ask if you’re a mother in order to give you something complimentary. Don’t be caught off guard.
  3. Be good to yourself. While the moms are out to brunch with their families, consider booking a luxurious spa treatment that will make you like your body again.
  4. Remember: you’re a grown-up, even if you don’t have children yet.  You don’t owe anyone an explanation concerning why you are not pregnant, don’t have children, and about your family building plans.  You may need a few stock phrases to repeat often with a smile to the continually curious, such as “You’ll be the first to know…”,   “That’s up to God…..”,  or anything else that is noncommittal and not too rude.  Then change the subject of conversation or move on and talk to others.

If you would like to learn more about GENESIS Fertility New York or are ready to schedule an appointment, please speak with one of our representatives at 929-605-5467.

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