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Can a fertility pill help women get pregnant?

The headlines are tantalizing: “First-in-Class Fertility Pill Improves IVF/ICSI Success” or “New Fertility Drug Boosts Chances of Pregnancy”. As the Director of Education for GENESIS, delving into the latest studies is a passion of mine. However, before I can recommend any treatment to my patients, I do my own research into any new advance to ensure the safety for my patients and accuracy of the claims.

What is the new fertility pill?

The drug is called OXO-001, which is sodium tungstate (ST). According to a recent publication in the journal Human Reproduction, ST in animal tests was shown to increase “embryo adhesion”. This means increasing the chance that the embryo can stick to a woman’s uterine lining and implant.

At the time, this study was the first evaluation of sodium tungstate on reproduction.

A subsequent study in October 2021 suggested that ST could act as a potential treatment for infertility acting on embryo implantation, a currently unmet medical need.

Are there any concerns with this fertility drug?

All of the studies thus far have been done by the same group.  Furthermore, National Toxicology Program assessments in rats noted long term retention of tungsten in renal tubules. There is also the possibility of negative long-term effects on kidney function.

The bottom line?

While current data is encouraging, more extensive studies (i.e. Phase III clinical trials), looking at hundreds to thousands of patients will be needed to truly determine how effective the drug is in enhancing implantation rates. Furthermore, more long term data will be needed to assure ourselves of its ultimate safety.

If you would like to learn more about GENESIS Fertility New York or are ready to schedule an appointment, please speak with one of our representatives at 929-605-5467.

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